Sunday, October 11, 2009

RBTOTD- Oct 11th

This was from Friday but anyway.

I just noticed that Dieu du Ciel beers all seem to be 11.5oz bottles in the US. Is there a reason for this?

Its a cleaver idea. You probably would not even miss the extra .5 ounce, yet you can get a 24 bottle case for the same about of beer as 23 bottles. Do they get a free beer per case? or is this some weird Canadian Bottling Law?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

RBTOTD- Oct 8th

As the weather turns colder its time to pull out those stouts and porters.
Bigger beers for colder weather.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well the 4th of july is over. Drink whatever craft beer ya want.

I mean I wouldn't want to impose any restrictions on your life OK?

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Remember that beer and fireworks don't mix...

Ask my friend 3 fingered Lefty.

Have fun, but be safe and sane.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Remember to drink American Beer this 4th. The big three are all owned by non-American Companies... Not that its a bad thing...

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Celebrate the Independence of America by Drinking American Craft Brew. What product better embodies the Spirit Of America than Craft Beer?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Random beer thought of the day

What flavor is cold?
 Can someone at Coors explain it to me?
Use small words please...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missed beers???

As a certified (or is it certifiable?) beer geek/beer hunter, I am always amazed when I miss a beer that I sworn I have had before. I will search out new and obscure liquors stores, grocery stores, delis, gourmet shops etc in search of that beer I can say that I have yet to sample. As the number of beers I have sampled and rated grows to over 3700 it becomes harder and harder to find that "NEW BEER" to add to my list. Yet about once a year or so I find a beer that I missed. Sometimes its a beer like Miller Lite or Bud light or some other mass produced pale lager which I usually pass on by and try not to make eye contact with. Sometime its a fairly common English Ale or German Lager that I just missed for some reason. Every once in a while it something that make no sense that I missed. Beers like Anchor Porter and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale are two of the beer that make that list. The latest beer in that category is Moylans Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale. I have seen this beer on the shelves everywhere, and for some reason I keep passing on by. I guess I assumed because it was so common and easily available I had sampled it before. The mind works in weird ways, The commonplace and ordinary gets filtered out and we only notice the new and different. Ah well, guess I need to check my beer list more closely before I go beer hunting the next time. ...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pike Pub & Brewery in SF Bay Area

Can't recall ever seeing these beers in the Bay Area, BevMo in Oakland had the IPA, Pale Ale and Naughty Nellie in bombers. For once my memory was correct and I did bought the one of the three I had not had before, the Pale Ale. Fairly decent American Pale Ale (APA), nice malts with just enough hops to balance. See full review on Ratebeer or BeerPal

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beer Blogging- the First baby steps.

Well it seems everyone else has a beer blog, so why not join the multitudes. Not sure what this blog will say or how often it will get updated. But after listening to folks talk about Bill Bland today. I figure today was a good time for a small step to at least begin blogging. If folks don't know who Bill Bland was see the story here

I shared many a beer over the years with Bill, he was always full of energy and asking questions. 

One small blog step more to come...